Here are some pics of my re-tightening, taken on Monday, March 2nd. I spent part of Sunday on the re-tightening after a good wash, then braided it while it was still wet. Same process as before, except I didn't need to wash with bar soap! Still growing and still fabulous!
On the faculty front: this week has been stressful, for a lot of reasons. Why do people assume new folks know the university policies and procedures??? Through my ignorance, I am finding out that the person who really runs the department is the chair's secretary (duh, Toki, you're just figuring that out??), who questions everything I do (behind my back) and goes running to my chair when "something is amiss."
But, e-mail is a wonderful thing, used correctly. I document my conversations with the chair with a follow-up e-mail, or make my requests for things via e-mail so I have a written response from her. So, the secretary's attempts at sabotage have failed. Still, it's an almost daily hassle that I wish I didn't have to mess with.
I've decided that I need to write a paper on the mental health of URM faculty, because mine is suffering.